Uchitel lawyer cancels press conference

Written by: Tony Korologos | Thursday, December 3rd, 2009
Categories: Tiger Woods

Uh, this is interesting.  The lawyer for Rachel Uchitel has canceled the scheduled press conference today due to unforeseen circumstances.  Uchitel’s attorney Gloria Allred says there will be no more discussion on the matter.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the news conference scheduled for today is canceled. There will be no further statements on this matter.

Any guesses what the unforeseen circumstances are?  Did Rachel get a hangnail?  Bad hair day? Is she getting her lips enhanced?  Perhaps some “event” transpired which helped them decide they were done talking?

Radaronline.com reports “several” other women coming forward about affairs with Tiger Woods

Written by: Tony Korologos | Tuesday, December 1st, 2009
Categories: Tiger Woods

Oh no

I go out and play golf on December 1st, then my hands end up damn near frozen.  I’ve got 10 minutes before I have to leave for an appointment but I found all of this new Tiger “stuff” in my inbox.  This is getting bad.

The web site radaronline.com is reporting “several” other women are coming forward and claiming affairs with Tiger Woods.  The newest report has a female named Jaimee Grubbs (pictured).  Anyone notice that she pretty much looks the same as Rachel Uchitel?

Grubbs allegedly has over 300 text messages from Tiger.

Send me something very naughty…Go to the bathroom and take (a picture).

The report goes on to say that “another” woman will be coming forward as well.

Um.  I really hope this isn’t true.  I don’t have time to write anymore right now but I’ll check back later with more.  Until then, Jay Flemma has a piece I’d check out here.

Rachel Uchitel denies rumors of affair with Tiger Woods

Written by: Tony Korologos | Saturday, November 28th, 2009
Categories: Tiger Woods

My phone rang at 7:06am on a Saturday.  That better be an emergency or something very important.  It was my pal Jay Flemma calling to let me know he’d just interviewed Rachel Uchitel, the woman rumored to have been having an affair with Tiger Woods in a recent article in the National Enquirer.  This exclusive interview is one of only 3-4 she has done regarding this subject to date.

This is a person I’d hoped not to mention when I was referring to Tiger Woods rumors in the post about the fishy Tiger Woods car crash.  I’d really hoped none of this would pop up and I really hope what Rachel Uchitel says in her interview with Jay is true and that I and millions of other TW fans can go back to enjoying watching this guy play golf.

Please let 2010 be a great and record breaking year in golf history.  Say it isn’t so.

More Rachel Uchitel pictures.





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