Damn! I have to give credit where credit is due. Vegas odds were at 3.5 days before Golf.com would post their Hottest Women in Golf click bait. I had my money on six days and Golf.com blew that out of the water by lasting a whole ELEVEN days before posting pictures of Holly Saunders in a g-string.
This grows something, but I don’t think it grows golf…
It must have been hard for them to resist hitting that publish button for so long. I guess ad revenue for 2016 was sagging a bit.
Thanks Golf.com for all you do to grow the game. These pictures are such great golf journalism. Re-posting Instagram photos can be tough work. These great Instagram photos will serve well to make the game more enjoyable, less expensive, and less time consuming. I’m sure people around the world will look at this objectification of women and flock to the game, especially women.