Tests and photos of new Titleist and Weszty irons

Written by: Tony Korologos | Saturday, September 5th, 2009
Categories: Golf ClubsGolf EquipmentGolf Gear

Went to the range last night and hit well over 200 balls, two jumbo buckets. This is the most balls I’ve probably ever hit in one session. The tennis elbow / golfer’s elbow is doing much better than I expected.

I tested out the new Titleist AP1, AP2, CB and MB irons.

I also tried out the Weszty Zt – C and Double-U irons. Weszty is a loyal Golf Space member whose profile can be found here .

I shot a bunch of pictures which I’ll be posting soon as well.

I’ve created a Weszty image gallery which can be found here.

I’ve added images of all the new Titleist fall 2009 irons to my Titleist gallery.

My reviews of these irons will be coming soon so stay tuned.

Switched out my irons

Written by: Tony Korologos | Wednesday, September 2nd, 2009
Categories: Golf GearHackers

My ball striking has sucked this year, and especially the last 2-3 months.

I had to do something to try and get my ball striking and especially my iron play, out of the funk it was in.  My round last Friday included 15 missed greens in regulation, with 12 in a row!  That is horrible.  Amazingly I shot a 79 because my short game and putting are still solid.

After realizing how horrid my GIR’s have been lately I pulled my beloved Hogan irons out of the bag and replaced them with my MacGregor MT Irons.  The Hogans are incredible irons, the best I’ve ever hit.  They’re basically muscle backs but fairly “bladey” for lack of a better word.  Unfortunately my game isn’t at the level where I can truly benefit from these clubs now and my confidence has been very weak.  It is very difficult to trust your swing with precision irons when you have weak or little confidence.

The MacGregors setup quite similar to the Hogans when looking at them from above, but the head designs are quite different.  They’re progressive back weighted cavity backs.  The cavity backs make them a bit easier to hit.

I went to the range a few minutes before my round yesterday to get the feel for the Macs…  I hit a couple of pitching wedges and they flew high and right at the target on the range.  Right at it.  I became “interested” to say the least.

I pulled some random clubs, 7, 6, 9 and they all felt great and flew right on line.

On the course

I played in a funky Texas Scramble yesterday, which mean I it two tee shots on every hole.  On the par three’s I hit very solid shots, hitting all but one of the five par threes on this course in regulation.  One 8-iron flew right over the pin and a 9 went to about six feet left of the pin.

I hit a couple of layup iron shots which went perfect and I struck many solid approaches.

With a ho-hum putting day I carded a 69 in that format, which doesn’t suck.

It is really hard to express how much better it feels to hit a solid iron shot and see it fly where you want it to go, and have it be the right distance.  I’ve been missing that almost all year.

So for now the Hogans are in the garage and the MacGregors have earned a starting position.   Next evaluation is the 3-wood…

First look at the new Titleist AP1 AP2 CB and MB Irons

Written by: Tony Korologos | Friday, July 31st, 2009
Categories: Golf BallsGolf ClubsGolf EquipmentGolf Gear
A look at new Titleist AP1 AP2 CB and MB irons this fall

click image to see larger version

Titleist AP1 710 irons

Titleist AP1 AP2 Irons

Titleist AP1 710 irons – back

Titleist AP1 & AP2 Irons

Titleist AP1 710 irons – Topline

Titleist AP2 710 irons – Topline

Titleist AP1 and AP2 710 Irons

Titleist AP1 and AP2 710 Irons

Titleist MB 710 Irons – Back

Titleist MB 710 Irons – Topline

Titleist CB Irons – Topline

Titleist CB Irons – Back

Titleist AP1 710 irons – Address

Titleist AP2 710 irons – Back

Titleist MB 710 Irons – Address

Titleist CB 710 Golf bag

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