The creativity and ingenuity of some golf entrepreneurs and designers never ceases to amaze me. Case in point is Pitchfix’s ability to create cool new variations of the oldest and most over-invented product in the history of sports, the green repair tool.
Pitchfix Twister Green Repair Tool
The Pitchfix Twister is a very unique departure to regular green repair tools, sometimes called divot tools though I don’t know why. Rather than the standard two-fork, flat unit, this device features three forks in a triangular orientation. The user inserts the Twister in the ground and twists, thus the name. A great and necessary feature is that the forks are retractable. The forks are retracted by, you guessed it, twisting the unit.
An extra bonus is a nice ball marker which attaches magnetically to the top of the unit.
The above mentioned ball marker is logo-ready for custom branding. This is a great merchandising possibility for golf clubs/courses.
The Twister is available in eight vibrant colors.
On The Course
I must admit the first few times I tried the Twister I was afraid to twist too hard for fear of breaking the forks. They are flexible but extremely strong. I eventually gave it as hard a shot as needed and never bent or broke the forks.
The repair job done on the greens by the Twister is very nice. You can hardly tell there was a ball mark at that spot, especially when you get the hang of the proper technique.
Twisting the unit back and forth to produce the forks, then retract them, is almost as fun as playing golf.
I love anything that helps make the game better. Smoother greens equals better golf and Twister does a fine job of making that happen. The retractable action is cool too. The colors are very vibrant and stylish.
On super hard greens it can be difficult to get the twister in the surface, and twisting is even harder. Then again, with greens that hard it is not likely that the ball would be producing much of a pitch mark.
When in the pocket the unit feels a bit bulky. Flat repair tools certainly win this contest. Pitchfix says it is not much different than having a golf ball in your pocket, which is true. But I don’t golf with a ball in my pocket.
The Pitchfix Twister does a fine job of repairing ball marks on the greens and does so in a very cool retractable format.
Pitchfix also makes a great switchblade green repair tool. Check out the Hooked On Golf Blog review of the Pitchfix switchblade divot tool.
One golf accessory which has seemingly never changed is the basic divot tool. It is a fork, usually with two blades, sometimes three or more. I’ve got a bout 14.2 billion of them. For the first time I can say I’m intrigued by a whole different concept in green repair tools as you can see below, the Pitchfix Twister.
The Twister is retractable and has three prongs which shape a triangle, not a fork. I’m anxious to see how this works and will be testing soon.
If they don’t work out on the golf course, I can use them to hold hot corn on the cob.
Tattoo Golf is one of my all time favorite golf companies. Anyone who can mix skulls and cross bones with golf is cool in my book.
Tattoo Golf Pitchmaster
Tattoo Golf does it again. TG has a huge product line of hard edged golf items from shirts to golf bags. Now we can add one of the manliest ball repair tools known to man to the TG product line.
The Tattoo Golf PitchMaster is made out of stainless steel, so it won’t rust. The blades are retractable and there’s a magnetic ball marker on the back. Of course, all of the components sport the trademark “skull and golf bones.”
I’ve loaned this unit to a couple of pals to get their opinions. Both said this was a bit heavy and that they wouldn’t want it in their pockets. Personally, the weight doesn’t bother me. I just told my pals that my wallet, with all the cash in it, counter balanced the divot tool.
On the course
The fact that the blades are retractable is great. Many times I’ve poked myself in the groin or close due to a divot tool pointing the wrong way in my pocket. This won’t happen with the PitchMaster.
The thick forks really make a big difference and make it much easier to fix my ball marks, of which I hope there are many (meaning I didn’t miss the green).
The TG ball marker is a bonus addition which comes in handy.
It is hard to write an extended review on a divot tool, but this unit is great and I strongly recommend it! For $14.99 you’ll get a very strong and durable divot tool which is most definitely cooler than any other out there.