Category: Golf, Golf Life, Golf Videos, Hackers, Miscellaneous
Perhaps the best legacy I will have left my men’s club in the six years I was president was the creation of the Hell Day Tournament. This tournament, the final one of the year, is where we set up the…
Category: Golf Videos, PGA Tour, Pro Golf, Tiger Woods
A boneheaded fan at the Open yesterday rushed the 7th green (Tiger’s 16th hole) when Tiger was putting. He yells “Tiger! Tiger!” while hucking a hot dog at him. The man even more strangely laid down on the ground,…
Category: Golf Videos, Miscellaneous, Site News
Nice little golf blog milestone this week. The Hooked On Golf Blog YouTube channel just topped the 4,000,000 view mark. Yes I realize that is probably as many views as a Britney Spears crotch shot or Lady Gaga gets in…
Category: Golf Media, Golf Videos, Miscellaneous, Reviews
Seven Days In Utopia opens TODAY
Category: Golf Videos, Interviews, Miscellaneous
Robert Duvall as "Johnny Crawford" in Seven Days In Utopia