Category: Course Reviews, Golf, Golf Courses, Golf Life, Golf Lifestyle, HOG World Tour, Reviews, Travel
There are many amazing golf choices in Las Vegas and I’ve had the pleasure of experiencing quite a few. For non-residents the cost of a round of golf in Las Vegas can be quite painful, upwards of $300-$500. There are…
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Gear, Reviews
So many golf accessories are worthless junk which nobody will use. My house is full of such things. Once in a while (not often enough) a new accessory pops up which is actually useful, designed well, and solidly manufactured. Here…
Category: Golf Apparel, Golf Gear, Reviews
Following yesterday’s FIVE birdie round I felt I’d have enough experience in the new Kentwool KW Series Men’s Sport Socks to post my review. Obviously such great golf play was not a result of having great golf clubs, a great…
Category: Golf Apparel, Golf Gear, Golf Lifestyle, Reviews
My all time favorite golfer? Not Tiger Woods or Jack Nicklaus (though Jack is a close 2nd place). That distinction belongs to Bobby Jones. Mr. Jones was quite possibly the best golfer ever. Since he retired from golf at age…
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Gear, Reviews
Father’s Day alert… For a few rounds I’ve been testing the Knitted Headcovers. Normally I’m not a fan of knitted head covers because the ones I’ve tried in the past lose their elasticity and become shabby and saggy, not…