Category: Cigars, Golf Life, Golf Lifestyle, Reviews
For a golf blogger some days are great and some days are awesome. The awesome ones are when unexpected packages show up for review, and they’re not another bent piece of metal known as a “golf club stand.” Oh no.…
Category: Golf, Golf Accessories, Golf Equipment, Golf For Women, Golf Gear, Reviews
What’s a great test for a golf bag? How about walking 122.7 miles with it, after schlepping it thousands of miles across the pond from Utah, USA to the Home of Golf, St Andrews, Scotland! The bag I chose for…
Category: Course Reviews, Golf, Golf Courses, Golf For Women, HOG World Tour, Reviews, Travel
It has taken a few weeks to process my experience at French Lick Resort’s Pete Dye Course. I was also slightly sidetracked by a little trip to Scotland in that timeframe. The dust in my golf cranium has settled. I’m ready to try…
Category: Golf, Golf Clubs, Golf Equipment, Golf Gear, Reviews
Say hello to the Miura Series 1957 Limited Edition Small Blade Irons. I’ve been “working” on this review for a some time now. It has been a rough go, playing one of the world’s best irons and such. Yes, being…
Category: Golf Apparel, Golf Gear, Reviews
If the lovely bride isn’t there to do my apparel scripting for me (set my day’s outfit out on the bed), I like to go the Gary Player route. Black. Black matches black. I can remember that. So this black Puma…