Category: Golf Clubs, Golf Equipment, Golf Gear, Reviews
I’ve been in discussions with MacGregor Golf for a few months about doing some reviews of their gear. Finally they sent the first piece of gear for me to review: The Bobby Grace designed V-FOIL M5K-GT. I’ve been using this…
Category: Golf Balls, Golf Equipment, Reviews
I’m beginning to wonder if there are any bad golf balls out there. As a religious ProV1 user for years I thought there was only one ball. But having this fun blog is forcing me to have to try some…
Category: Golf Courses, Reviews, Travel
If you’ve never been to southern Utah, you are missing out on some of the most beautiful terrain in the world: Red Rock Country. In Red Rock Country there are stunning red rock plateaus, canyons and mountains. An old wives…
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Apparel, Golf Equipment, Reviews
I’ve been happily wearing Footjoy golf shoes for about 20 years. I’ve gone through many of their styles and technologies and been completely satisfied with all of them…until now. My Footjoy FitDogs finally wore out after two years of heavy…
Category: Golf Balls, Golf Clubs, Golf Equipment, Reviews
For the last two days there has been a big “demo days” deal going on at our biggest practice range in town. All the major golf companies were there. I decided to do the rounds and demo a bunch of…