Category: PGA Tour
Along with the Tadd Fujikawa story, there are some other notable stories from the 2007 Sony Open in Hawaii. Paul Azinger has left the announcer’s booth and is making a go of it on tour again. He played fairly well…
Category: PGA Tour
The Sony Open last week gave us the first great story of the 2007 PGA Tour (or golf for that matter) season: Tadd Fujikawa. Fujikawa is a 16 year old amateur who was the youngest player in 50 years to…
Category: PGA Tour
I was over commenting on a post made by golfblogger and I decided I might as well just post the comment here as a post. Hey, then someone could post a comment on my post which was a comment on…
Category: Golf Media, PGA Tour
I think The Golf Channel (TGC) did a pretty good job on last week’s Mercedes broadcast. It’s not like they’re new to covering golf tournaments so it wasn’t like Fox or someone was just starting out and butchering the coverage.…
Category: Fantasy Golf, PGA Tour, Site News
The 2007 fantasy golf season is off and running. We’re up to 83 teams between the two current leagues: HOG Space and HOG Space 2. There’s still room in league two and you can still win tons of prizes so…