Category: European Tour, Golf Balls, Golf Clubs, Golf Courses, Golf Equipment, Hackers, PGA Tour, Tiger Woods, Tour
Colin Montgomerie is lobbying to change the rules of golf to make errant drives more penal. Can’t say I disagree with this point. I’d like to see a premium put on driving accuracy. Tiger Woods, Phil Mickelson, Vijay Singh and…
Category: PGA Tour, Tiger Woods
Below is a table of the top 12 players in the current PGA Tour FedEx Cup standings. I went down to #12 simply because Jim Furyk was #12. Tiger Woods is down the list at #8. There are some surprises…
Category: PGA Tour, Tiger Woods
Friday at the 2007 Accenture Match Play Championship Finally “the streak” is over. I’m a big Tiger Woods fan but I was getting so sick of listening to the googling, Tiger slobbering “media” refer to “the streak” I was about…
Category: PGA Tour, Tiger Woods
Tiger Woods is the only #1 seed left in the Accenture Match Play Championship. Phil Mickelson lost to Justin Rose 3 and 1 in round 2. Jim Furyk lost to Chad Campbell in round two on the 19th hole. Adam…
Category: Champions Tour, PGA Tour, Tiger Woods
How ironic is this story? Fuzzy Zoeller wanted to sue Wikipedia but instead is tracking down the author of some Wiki comments which painted Fuzzy in a negative light. I say ironic because as BogeyMan points out, Fuzzy was the…