Category: Tour
Future PGA Tour fan favorite Jason Gore shot a 59 in the second round of the Nationwide Tour’s Cox Classic. Aim low sheriff, aim low.
Category: Champions Tour, Miscellaneous, PGA Tour
(This post is one of an ongoing series about my experience at The Champion’s Challenge) At The Champion’s Challenge I got to meet a bunch of pretty famous golfers. Hale Irwin (pictured putting) walked right by me and I told…
Category: Champions Tour, Miscellaneous, PGA Tour
(This post is one of an ongoing series about my experience at The Champion’s Challenge) OK, I’ve had a day to recover from having one of my life long dreams realized: Meeting Jack. Here’s the story… This event was a…
Category: Golf Media, Miscellaneous, PGA Tour
My buddy John Daly sued The Florida Times-Union and its Web site. He’s saying he was defamed by a columnist who called him a thug and a wife beater.
Category: Champions Tour, Miscellaneous
(This post is one of an ongoing series about my experience at The Champion’s Challenge) After checking out all the golf carts and their players’ bags I went back up by the clubhouse. I was hanging out by Jack’s cart…