Category: PGA Tour
Today David Toms underwent a 5 hour surgery to fix his heart problems. Following the surgery the doctor said that Toms should be completely cured. This is good news. I’m a David Toms fan for sure. Not only is he…
Category: Site News, Tiger Woods
Last night at 2:00am or so the server for fried. There was a quadruple redundant RAID setup there. The original drive became corrupt and the raid just backed up the corruption. The main HOG server has been replaced but…
Category: Golf Courses, Miscellaneous, PGA Tour, Tiger Woods
Browsing some of the excellent golf blogs out there I’ve found a couple of posts which refer to a Tiger interview where he says he’s a few years away from doing some course design. Kelly Tilghman (TGC) asked a great…
Category: Golf Courses, Miscellaneous, PGA Tour
To Hootie Johnson and Augusta National: I’m excitedly planning on attending the 2006 Masters. I can’t wait to see the world’s most beautiful golf course in person, should my “plans” work out as I hope. I have some concerns, and…
Category: Golf Courses, PGA Tour
Augusta National #3 Tee (photo by my best friend: Alan Nelson) Augusta National has been lengthened again. This time by another 155 yards. At the current pace, by 2008 this course is going to be 8000 yards! The official yardage…