Category: Golf Courses, PGA Tour, Pro Golf, The Masters
Today is the par-3 tournament day at the Masters Tournament assuming it doesn’t get washed out by the bad weather. This tournament has been going since 1960. The par-3 is a fun tournament where players interact closely with fans. Some…
Category: PGA Tour, Pro Golf, The Masters and the Masters App (iOS or Android) are as well put together and high class as the Masters Tournament. During the few days before the tournament, and before the tournament starts, one can watch the Masters range. No other…
Category: PGA Tour, Pro Golf, The Masters
Not many changes at Augusta this year except for some traffic modifications, concessions, and this new press room. Wowsies. It’s beautiful. I’ve not done the Masters press room. Haven’t applied for a credential. As nice as it is I’m sure…
Category: Golf, Golf For Women, LPGA Tour, PGA Tour, Pro Golf, The Masters
I guess hell just froze over. Stay tuned for a big announcement today from Augusta, GA. Augusta National Golf Club, home of The Masters, has been a venue the LPGA Tour has wanted to compete at for decades. They’ve…
Category: Contests/Giveaways, Miscellaneous, Site News, The Masters
I’m going to be giving away another Masters flag this year, just like last year. I have yet to come up with a cool way of doing it. For now, give the sponsor of this contest, MMO, a click on…