Category: Miscellaneous
A day in the life of a golf addict and rock & roll drummer (today): 7:30am: alarm goes off, hit snooze button a few times 8:00am: fix some home brewed Starbucks coffee 8:20am: drop by golf course 1 to pick…
Category: Golf Media, Site News
I told you to get over to MJ on Golf and check out his archives before it was too late. Well….it’s too late. It’s gone. 🙁
Category: Miscellaneous, Tiger Woods
Dan Weil at has a piece about the declining participation in the sport of golf. Nuggets I found interesting in this piece: “The total number of golf rounds played in this country peaked in 2000, and the total number…
Category: Site News
Category: Golf Media
Last night’s “Battle of the Bridges” was “Battle of the Boredom” to me. All the players seemed down, dull, bored and generally uninspired. They didn’t talk much. Despite a bunch of birdies by Phil and Retief there was still a…