Category: Miscellaneous, Site News
I’ve added more social links to the individual golf blog posts here at Hooked On Golf Blog. Above each post you will now see a Facebook Like button, Twitter tweet button and a Google+ button. [caption id=”attachment_10246″ align=”aligncenter” width=”284″ caption=”Share…
Category: Fantasy Golf, Miscellaneous, Site News
I want to reiterate that it is NOT too late to join the HOG Space fantasy golf league, which is free! There are still MANY prizes available to win. Do it! Week #30 (Deutschbank) Winner Congratulations to “To Hook Or…
Category: Golf Life, HOG World Tour, Miscellaneous, Site News
The last time I set foot on the grounds at Black Mesa Golf Club in New Mexico was back in 2009, but if feels like it has been 435,034 years. Hardly a day goes by that I don’t wish I…
Category: Golf Media, Golf Videos, Miscellaneous, Reviews
Seven Days In Utopia opens TODAY
Category: Fantasy Golf, Miscellaneous, Site News
I want to reiterate that it is NOT too late to join the HOG Space fantasy golf league, which is free! There are still MANY prizes available to win. Do it! Week #29 (The Barclays) Winner Congratulations to fdringo for…