Category: HOG World Tour, Miscellaneous
The Hideout Golf Course has beatiful tree lined holes and a lot of great eleveation changes. Click for more images.
Category: Miscellaneous
Very neat natural variance in the greenside bunker today on the 1st hole at Mountain Dell Canyon Course. There were hundreds of mountain lion tracks. [caption id=”” align=”aligncenter” width=”475″ caption=”These mountain lion paw prints are about 4 inches wide. Here…
Category: Fantasy Golf, Miscellaneous, Site News
Congratulations to the skilled fantasy golf player “We are Devo D E V O” for piling up $11,626,864 in earnings and winning the FedEx Playoffs segment of HOG Space Fantasy Golf. Sumi-G Shag Bag For the great performance, Mr. We…
Category: Fantasy Golf, Miscellaneous, Site News
It is NOT too late to join the HOG Space fantasy golf league, which is free! There are still MANY prizes available to win, through the end of the PGA Tour’s Fall Series. Do it! Week #32 (TOUR Championship) Winner…
Category: Miscellaneous, Tiger Woods
Just read an article in about a law suit being brought against Tiger Woods’s former coach Hank Haney by a student in the Hank Haney International Junior Golf Academy. The student paid $30,000 for the program which was to…