Category: HOG World Tour, PGA Tour, Pro Golf, The Masters
I made it. It took some 16 hours of traveling but the HOG World Tour has made it to Augusta, GA. I have a couple of entertaining pictures to post before I hit the sack. First, is a shot of…
Category: HOG World Tour, The Masters
I’m in the Denver airport killing 3 hours until my flight to Atlanta. One way to kill some time was to walk the 2+ miles from my gate in concourse A to the Starbucks in gate 60 of concourse B…
Category: HOG World Tour, The Masters
24 hours from now I'll be here...
Category: HOG World Tour, Miscellaneous, PGA Tour, Pro Golf, Site News
I’m going to be attending this year’s Monday and Tuesday practice rounds at the Masters. I can’t wait to be back on the grounds at Augusta National. Haven’t been since my first trip in 2010. I’ll be in the Atlanta…
Category: Boneheads, Golf Videos, HOG World Tour, Miscellaneous
Seems like every Tuesday is very windy here these days. It was so windy last night that it woke me up at 2:00am. I’m supposed to play league today, but have no desire to fight 30-40mph winds on a course…