Category: Hackers
The latest HOGB poll asks what handicap would you consider to be a “hacker.” Take a vote and let’s see who the hackers really are!
Category: Golf Instruction, Hackers, Pro Tips
I’d like to introduce a new feature here called “Pro Tips.” I’ve gotten together with the assistant pro at my club Byron Utley (right) to bring you some quick instruction and game improvement drills. We’d like to do one pro…
Category: Hackers, Miscellaneous
As I said in my previous post, I had a match against one of my best friends and a guy I play golf with several times per week. He is not a long hitter, but he is a short game…
Category: Hackers, Miscellaneous
One of the clubs I play in has a season long match play tournament to determine the club champion. I’ve made it a few rounds in, in the last few years. Each time I’ve lost to the eventual club champ.…
Category: Hackers, Miscellaneous
Tonight before dinner my kids and I went on a little walk for our evening ball search. We followed the river which is left of the 17th hole here. Then we hit the hazard right of the 16th green and…