Category: Hackers
Category: Hackers
Where the hell is the marshall? BTW: Nice reverse pivot. I love how all the weight is on the back foot.
Category: Life, Miscellaneous, PGA Tour
The Shark is getting a divorce. Details here. Maybe that’s why he sold the yacht a while ago…
Category: Hackers, Miscellaneous
In a previous post I talked about about sandbaggers (a nice word for cheaters) in state tournaments. Today I’m playing a practice round in preparation for a tournament tomorrow in one of the 3 men’s clubs I’m in. I found…
Category: Hackers, Miscellaneous
Here’s an article in my local rag about sandbaggers. I don’t play in many state tournaments for the reason that I know some sandbagger is going to shoot a “career” round and win. I don’t have a chance net because…