Category: Golf Fitness, Golf Instruction, Golf Media, Hackers, Miscellaneous, Pro Tips
There’s a cool new feature on called “Ask the PGA experts.” Go to the home page and scroll down to the bottom. There you’ll see the experts themselves and links to ask a question and to read the…
Category: Life, Miscellaneous
Man is this a golf blog or a local news of the weird? For those of you who like to insult women’s purity, a Utah chastity law has been erased. It’s now no longer against the law to accuse a…
Category: Life
Man the world is coming to an end here in Salt Lake. I turned the TV on (something I usually only do to watch golf) and live coverage was going on at a local mall where a guy in a…
I’m very saddened by the news that a long time friend of mine, and his family were the victims of a drunk driver. Late last night my old high school friend and band mate (whom I haven’t see for a…
Category: Life
It’s COLD here. Yesterday the low was two. It’s seven now. The forecast for tonight is zero. The high tomorrow will be 19. Did I mention it’s cold here? You wouldn’t want to blade a 3-iron here right now.