Category: Hackers, Life, Miscellaneous
I’m pleased to announce that exactly seven days after my back went out I’m back to normal. No more spasms, no more stabbing pain, no more inability to tie my shoes, no more crawling out of the car… Of course–now…
Category: Hackers, Miscellaneous
I get a call today from the pro shop across the street. My friend recommends I check out the #1 tee. Here’s what I snapped with my digital zoom (sorry for the quality). As you can see, the player on…
Category: Life
I’m pleased to announce my back spasms have finally stopped. The muscles finally gave up after just wearing themselves out. I’m no longer bent at a 45 degree angle to the right. I no longer feel like someone is jabbing…
Category: Life
The back is still tweaked. Waiting for the spasms to stop. Pain.
Category: Hackers, Life, Miscellaneous
I’m trying to get into a vertical position to write some blog posts. The back is killing me, despite a therapeutic deep tissue massage I got last night. The muscle spasms usually take about 4-5 days to release, then I’m…