Category: Golf Videos, Life, Miscellaneous
From the “life” category Thanks to my friend Matt for this video. This clip is of HIS old band but some bonehead father does something terribly stupid in the audience. Watch and enjoy…
Category: Life
I had the pleasure of attending a very good golf pal’s wedding today. “Jimmy V” is a long knocker. He’s a red head with a hot temper. But he can play and I’ve seen him go low on several occasions,…
Category: Life
I’m coooooollllld. I spent the afternoon watching my (mediocre) college football team play in a SNOWSTORM. Yes, it’s September 29th and it snowed for several hours this afternoon. Don’t believe me? Just look at the size of the snow flakes…
Category: Life
I’ve been gone for a few days, three to be exact. Three days without me doing a golf blog post is like John Daly going 19 seconds without smoking a cigarette. I’ve had a bit of a writer’s block due…
My clubs made it back…. Delta delivered them about 16 hours after I returned from my trip… I’m relieved.