Category: Golf Fitness, Golf Instruction, Instruction, Pro Tips
Core Golf Strength Training Is The Key To Longer Drives Core golf strength training is a must for developing maximum power and distance. As in all athletics, the core is your engine. Everything comes from the core! The modern golf…
Category: Champions Tour, LPGA Tour, Pro Tips
PGA TOUR “Mo money Sabbatini” I’ve been waiting to say that for quite some time. Remember that from the Nike commercial where Duval smashes out Tiger’s car window? Sabbatini and his “unique” swing held up today and he notched victory…
Category: Golf Instruction, Hackers
In examining my golf game and trying to figure out where I can shave some strokes, I’ve concluded pitching and chipping are where I need the most work. My recent putting experiment more than validates the importance of getting the…
Category: Golf Instruction, Pro Tips
I saw an amazing golf lesson the other day. I was sitting in on a lesson of a golfer who I thought had a great swing. His swing plane looked great to me, the untrained non professional. The instructor had…
Category: Golf Instruction
Tonight I’m going to an invite only grand opening of a place in town called Golf Lab. It’s a very high end indoor teaching facility. One of the founders apparently is a professional photographer and the lab is in his…