Category: Golf Fitness, Golf Instruction, Pro Tips
A stretching exercise for golf can be the silver bullet you’ve been looking for to improve your golf swing and finally get rid of that nagging back pain! In fact there is no single genuine golf exercise program that does…
Category: Golf Fitness, Golf Instruction, Pro Tips
Maximum golf swing speed with minimal effort Golf flexibility training will improve your ability to make a tension-free, full backsing, creating maximum golf swing speed, power and ultimately distance. What exactly is golf flexibility training and how is it different…
Category: Golf Instruction, Hackers, Miscellaneous
There may be different kinds of “Chicago” scoring systems but here’s an explanation of the one my group is playing on my trip right now. We have 4 foursomes. In one foursome you start with 39 points for each player…
Category: Golf Fitness, Pro Tips, Site News
There are some subjects I’m simply not qualified enough to cover here. (The peanut gallery can keep it’s comments to itself). Strength and fitness are certainly categories that I don’t know much about. But strength and fitness are going to…
Category: Golf Fitness, Golf Instruction, Instruction, Pro Tips
Core Golf Strength Training Is The Key To Longer Drives Core golf strength training is a must for developing maximum power and distance. As in all athletics, the core is your engine. Everything comes from the core! The modern golf…