Category: Pro Tips, Tiger Woods
Tiger’s comeback Tiger’s comeback date isn’t set, but he says it will depend on the birth of his 2nd child and if he’s ready. Tiger Woods’ newsletter was quite interesting today. Many pundits, like Lee Trevino, have been saying that…
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Instruction, Golf Videos, Interviews
NURU has a model which will succeed in today’s economy with their extremely simple and affordable golf training aids. I had to split my interview into two chunks to fit them on YouTube. Part one: Part two:
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Apparel, Golf Balls, Golf Clubs, Golf Courses, Golf Equipment, Golf Fitness, Golf Instruction, Golf Media, Reviews, Site News, Travel
I’m packin’ my gear now (camera, laptop and a couple of golf shirts). I’ll be landing in Vegas in time for din-din tonight and then hitting the sack resting for the PGA Show Fall Expo. I’ll be live blog-casting from…
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Apparel, Golf Balls, Golf Clubs, Golf Courses, Golf Equipment, Golf Fitness, Golf Instruction, Golf Media, Site News, Travel
I just booked my flights and hotel for the 2008 PGA Fall Expo in Las Vegas. I’ll do anything to eat lasagna at my favorite Italian restaurant, Batistas. The show has a demo day and tournament on Monday the 25th…
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Instruction, Golf Videos, Reviews
Craig Johnson’s Interlink Golf Systems (IGS) is a six DVD set of golf instructional videos, drills and techniques. The system has over nine hours worth of golf instruction, which is one reason getting my review busted out took me a…