Category: Golf, Golf Rules and Regulations
So your ball comes to rest on the head of an alligator. Do you have to play it from there and risk personal injury or DEATH? Of course not… The Rules of Golf cover “dangerous situations” like bee hives, alligators,…
Category: Golf, Golf Life, Hackers, Miscellaneous
Here in northern Utah we haven’t seen green grass since November of last year. That’s almost two months for those of you counting at home. This week the temperatures have creeped above freezing and we have even seen the sun!…
It is my dad’s birthday today. My dad has introduced me to two lifelong sports, golf and skiing. He is awesome at both and has been a great role model and teacher on the golf course, the slopes, and in…
Category: Golf, Golf Life, Golf Lifestyle, Miscellaneous
I just saw this article on about a driving range called Top Golf. It isn’t just a range. The hitting bays are three levels/stores. The range balls have microchips in them which track distance and accuracy, and give points…
Category: Boneheads, Golf, Miscellaneous
This is a rake. It is used to smooth out footprints and divots in sand traps. USE IT! 2014 is here. Hopefully it is a year of many great times on the course and many satisfying…