Category: Golf
Snap-Hookz Golf Accessory Hanger – click for more photos I have a few things I hang off my golf bag and often times I’m not a fan of where the bag’s default hangers are. Often I…
Category: Golf
Golf gets a bad wrap sometimes. For some reason, those who don’t “get it” think golf is an elitist sport and that golf courses are no good for their community. They think golf takes up too much space and has…
Category: Golf, Hackers, Instruction, Miscellaneous
I know many amateur and pro golfers often have a “swing thought” they choose for the day or the practice session. A swing thought can be one word, a phrase, or a key to focus on, which helps get rid of…
Category: Golf, Golf Courses, Travel
The new “Old Pavilion” is open at the Old Course in St. Andrews. “The Old Pavilion will give room for the golfer to wait in comfort, use the toilets and be offered light refreshments.” After over 1400 years, there’s finally…
Category: Golf, Golf Life, Golf Lifestyle, HOG World Tour, Travel
Most people think of Utah as a ski destination and for good reason. The snow here is regarded by many as the “greatest snow on earth.” Golf has a huge impact on the state as well. The size of that impact…