Category: Golf Clubs, Golf Equipment
The Ping site has pics of the new G5 gear. I’m quite impressed with the G2 driver. Of course they come out with the G5 driver 1.5 weeks after I get a G2 in the bag. Quick quiz: Question: What’s…
Category: Golf Balls, Miscellaneous
My kids and I finally went through the HUNDREDS of golf balls we’ve found over the last couple of weeks here on the course. I’m living on the #17th fairway for about 2-4 more weeks 🙁 These two particular balls…
Category: Golf Balls, Miscellaneous
I played a round of golf today with my pop at his awesome country club. Rough life eh? It was lawn mower day out there so we found our share of chewed up golf balls. Since I had already shot…
Category: Golf Clubs, Golf Equipment, Reviews
TaylorMade has had the “#1 driver on tour” for some 190 consecutive weeks now. The r7 series with the 4 movable weights has been one of the biggest equipment stories in the past several years. Enter the new r5 Dual…
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Equipment
Nike and Bausch & Lomb are making “Sport-Tinted” contact lenses. These lenses come in different tint configurations to enhance certain wavelengths of light. The lenses will visually enhance key elements in sport, such as a ball or terrain. There are…