Category: Golf Balls, Golf Equipment
Paula Creamer has signed on with Bridgestone. BRIDGESTONE’S PRESS RELEASE: PAULA CREAMER CHOOSES PRECEPT BALL IN HER QUEST TO BECOME #1 2005 LPGA Rookie of the Year Switches Ball for Technological Edge Covington, Ga. — Adding to its worldwide TOUR…
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Equipment
Man I’ve been in the posting zone lately. I’ll just go with… There’s a company called Soldius from the Netherlands which makes a golf bag with solar panels on it. This might be good for golfblogger’s ridiculous item of the…
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Equipment
I’m hoping to get my hands on some golf GPS units to review for you. But until then, you can see some reviews over at GPS Review.
Category: Golf Clubs, Golf Equipment
I had a nice chat with the local Cleveland rep a few days ago. Cool guy. Some reps that work for really big golf companies that start with the letter “T” don’t even seem to want to give you the…
Category: Golf Balls, Golf Equipment
I’ve gotten to know the local Bridgestone rep over the last half a year or so. He’s not your prototypical golf rep. He’s a young dude, shaved head and one of those Vijay under the lip hair things. He looks…