Category: Golf Clubs, Golf Equipment
I finally got some pics of the new Cleveland HiBORE Driver I mentioned before:
Category: Golf Clubs, Golf Equipment
I’m trying some new Winn grips on my clubs. Just got them put on today. They’re very cool. But when the shop rang me up the bill was $2484.00. It seems these grips are a little more expensive than the…
Category: Golf Clubs, Golf Equipment, Golf Media
Cleveland HiBORE. This must be the driver Vijay Singh is using… I recently talked to the Cleveland rep about Vijay’s driver and he told me no new products were coming out. Either he simply didn’t know about this or he…
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Equipment, Miscellaneous, Reviews, Site News
My new friends at Nintendo contacted me out of the blue to review their new game True Swing Golf. I was pleasantly surprised that some of the folks there were not only bloggers, they were reading my golf blog! They…
Category: Golf Clubs, Golf Equipment, PGA Tour, Site News
I’m pleased to announce that the grand prize for this year’s Hooked On Fantasy Golf Tournament is a TaylorMade r7 425 driver! Don’t ever say that Mediaguru doesn’t treat his readers right! Special thanks to our friends at TaylorMade. You’re…