Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Equipment
I ran across this on my recent Denver trip. This is a pretty cool idea for keeping golfer’s shoes clean, and preventing transfer of different grasses, seeds and debri to the putting green.
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Equipment, Miscellaneous
Here’s this week’s candidate for the GolfBlogger ridiculous item of the week. The Potty Putter If you are a crappy putter this is for you.
Category: Golf Clubs, Golf Equipment
Ping’s “Rapture” line is coming out in September. This isn’t the newest news on the block but I’d better mention it here now that there’s some info on Ping’s site about it. Two takes on what I see: I wonder…
Category: Golf Clubs, Golf Equipment
My pals at Bridgstone just announced some new irons and they look very nice. The new CG irons will be in retail outlests in mid September. To read Bridgestone’s press release click below: BRIDGESTONE INTRODUCES NEW GC SERIES IRONS DESIGNED…
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Equipment, Reviews
The Flexie-T is a non disposable golf tee you can use on the driving range or on the course. Home on the range The Flexie-T is designed to be strong enough to mount in those hard driving range mats without…