Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Equipment, Reviews
Challenge In order for me to adequately evaluate the Pop Up Protector, or PUP, I had to try to hit a shot I haven’t hit in years. I’m thinking it’s been at least 4 and probably 5 years since I…
Category: Golf Clubs, Golf Equipment, Reviews
About G.R.I.P. Introducing G.R.I.P. (Golf Research in Play). G.R.I.P. was founded in 2002 by Rob Blumberg. Rob found a forgotten niche market in the golf club industry and is now designing, manufacturing and selling directly to that niche. G.R.I.P.’s theory…
Category: Golf Clubs, Golf Equipment
Man does this gear look sweet. Standing over both of them I KNEW I’d be hitting great shots: Reviews coming soon…
Category: Golf Equipment, Golf Media
I’m starting to see some other types of golf blogs popping up now. They’re blogs by golf manufacturers or golf retailers. Alpha Golf is a friend of HOG and we have an AG Plasma driver review coming soon. Alpha Golf…
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Fitness, Instruction, Reviews
HOG’s golf fitness contributor Mike Pedersen has just released a new golf stretching DVD: Golf Stretching for a Better Swing I’m glad to hear that this disc is selling like mad, over 800 in the first week! Mike’s fitness articles…