Category: Golf Clubs, Golf Equipment
With the new news of the new Nike Sumo Sasquatch Square Sumo whatchamacallit, I thought it was time to release some top secret photos from the Nike design team I have. I can’t release my sources, but these are all…
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Equipment, Reviews
Velocity Wipes are moist golf club cleaning towels which come in a dispenser similar to what you’d see baby wipes come in, only much bigger. I’m not sure what kind of magic chemical they’re soaked in, but these babies clean…
Category: Golf Balls, Miscellaneous
Just got a b-day present (Oct 9) in the mail from my aunt back in Washington DC. How many people out there have logo balls for the airplane they ride around in?
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Equipment, Reviews
Ya gotta love golf. There are so many gadgets. Just when you think there can’t be anything new introduced someone comes up with something like The Shoe Tool. I’m not a big soft spikes fan. I loved the steel spikes.…
Category: Golf Equipment, PGA Tour
There’s a nice Byron Nelson tribute on the Cleveland Golf web site. Check it out here.