Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Apparel, Golf Equipment, Reviews
Seldom are there times when I pray for rain on the course. In fact the only times are when I’m reviewing rain gear or accessories which help keep you or your golf equipment dry. Frogg Toggs Frogg Toggs is a…
Category: Golf Balls, Golf Equipment, Reviews
I was given a new box of Callaway HX Tour 56’s (the ball Phil Mickelson plays) to try a few weeks ago by Guy, a good friend and the pro at my home course. My buddy told me these were…
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Equipment, Golf Gear, Reviews
Want to get that super spin that Phil Mickelson gets on his wedges? Want to be able to stop a 6-iron on the green like Tiger Woods, rather than having the ball release and go off the back? If you…
Category: Golf Clubs, Golf Equipment
I’m a big Nickent fan. I may have lost a bit of respect for them today though with the news that they’re jumping on the square driver bandwagon. Callwasy FT-i square driver, Nike Sumo SQ driver, a few no-names and…
Category: Fantasy Golf, Golf Clubs, Golf Equipment, Golf Media, Site News
I’m pleased to announce that Nicklaus Golf will be providing the last missing prize for this year’s HOG Space Fantasy Golf league! The season long 2nd place prize which Nicklaus Golf will be providing is a Dual Point Hybrid. Nicklaus…