Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Equipment, Reviews
Lamkin is famous for making great golf grips. But Lamkin now also offers very nice shoe inserts. Easy 2-step install 1. Take out old insert 2. Put in Lamkin insert Boy that was tough… If you pick these golf shoe…
Category: Golf Accessories, Reviews
Nothing is worse than wet golf grips. I usually use Winn W5 grips. If my grips get wet they turn slimy and slippery. The “ClubZup” is a device you keep handy to keep your grips from touching the wet ground.…
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Equipment, Reviews
I’ve owned dozens of BagBoy golf products over the years, including probably 15 different golf pull carts. I even had one with a retractable seat which was super cool. Now I have a BagBoy CLIP-LOK Stand Bag to add to…
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Clubs, Reviews, Site News
(Post #1800!) I love golf items which step outside the boundaries of the stuffy country club mentality. I like to wear aggressive apparel and have crazy golf accessories complimenting my gear. The Shaftix shaft wraps do exactly that. I’m able…
Category: Golf Equipment, Golf Media, Miscellaneous
I’ll be debuting my new golf back from Tattoo Golf at this week’s Team Challenge down in Palm Springs. While playing golf with NFL all star defensive player Michael Stahan, I’ll be showing off my new bag. Man is this…