Category: Golf Apparel
Calvin Klein will soon be entering the golf market. Great. Now our apparel will go from expensive to insanely expensive…
Category: Golf Clubs, Golf Equipment, Golf Gear, Golf Media
Nike’s ads really get me sometimes. The other day I walked into my local pro shop and plastered everywhere were these posters about Nike having the “new winningest drivers on tour.” That’s cool. I’m sure they meant on a Tuesday…
Category: Golf Balls, Golf Clubs, Golf Equipment, Golf Gear, Site News
Finally the snow has melted and I can get back to doing one thing I love to do, GOLF! Now that my golf schedule is up and running (unless it snows again), I’ve got two new pieces of gear I’m…
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Apparel, Golf Gear, Reviews
Over the course of a year a few things in my golf world change. My handicap goes up in the spring and proceeds downward until the winter snow shuts the game down for the year. One thing which seems to…
Category: Golf Equipment, Reviews
I’ve had the Fast Bastard Square Driver in the can for a while. I’ve needed to bust this one out and get it off my old list of products to cover. Technology Square technology has been around for a while…