Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Gear, Golf Instruction, Instruction
There are systems out there which are thousands of bucks, designed to analyze golf swings. They can draw lines for posture, swing planes etc. They also have super slow mo for capturing crucial points in time during the swing. Enter…
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Gear
SUMI-G and my golf pal Marius (President) have received their first patent on their very innovative head covers. They didn’t specify in their press release if the patent was regarding the “mechanical enclosure” or the “rigid exoskeleton.” Either way congratulations…
Category: Golf Accessories, Reviews
I’ve got a new secret weapon lately. Nope it isn’t a new putter or new brand of golf ball. The last 4-5 rounds I’ve played I’ve been wearing a BHPLUS magnetic health band from Bio-Health Jewelry. The band (should I…
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Apparel, Golf Balls, Golf Clubs, Golf Equipment, Golf Gear
Jan 28-30 in Orlando, Florida is the 2010 PGA Merchandise Show. For the 2nd year in a row after a period of not participating, Titleist will have a presence there as well as at the demo day. Demo day is…
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Apparel, Golf Gear, Reviews
How many golf hats do you have? If you are like me, that is a triple digit number. I can’t go anywhere in my house, garage, car, bathroom, deprivation chamber… without tripping over a golf hat. I’ve been trying to…