Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Gear, Reviews
I doubt they’d let me on an airplane with this thing. The latest divot tool I have in play is the Tattoo Golf Switch Blade. Construction This is not a light piece. The unit is thick and made of stainless…
Category: Golf Balls, Golf Equipment, Golf Gear, Reviews
Normally I like to get more holes under my belt with a golf ball before I review it. But by the first round I’ll almost always have reached my primary conclusions anyway. I’m speeding up the review process on the…
Category: Golf Apparel, Golf Gear, Miscellaneous
Masters Icons (but not Jack, Arnie or Seve) If you like cool shoes, next week will be a good week for you. Starting at 8:00am ET on Monday of Masters week, my good friends and HOG Space Fantasy Golf sponsors…
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Apparel, Golf Balls, Golf Equipment, Golf Gear
During Masters week next week my pals at Nike are releasing “Masters Green” limited editions of the Lunar Control golf shoe and also the new 20XI golf balls. Check them out below. [caption id=”” align=”aligncenter” width=”475″ caption=”Limited edition Masters package…
Category: Golf, Golf Apparel, Golf Equipment, Golf Gear, Interviews, Reviews
Kikkor Golf Shoes - click for more