Category: Golf Clubs, Golf Equipment, Golf Gear, Golf Videos, Interviews
Superlight technology is one of the big buzzes this year at the PGA Show. Lighter and lighter club heads and shafts. But Boccieri Golf is going the other way. They’re going heavy with their whole line. In this video interview…
Category: Golf Balls, Golf Clubs, Golf Equipment, Golf Gear
The last (I think) of my head mounted GoPro virtual tours of booths at this year’s PGA Merchandise Show. I do a walk through of the Bridgestone Golf booth.
Category: Golf Balls, Golf Clubs, Golf Equipment, Golf Gear
GoPro HD video cam mounted to my cranium, I do a walk through of the Titleist booth at the 2011 PGA show. During this virtual tour I happen to run into Tom Abbott from the Golf Channel, who is doing…
Category: Golf Balls, Golf Clubs, Golf Equipment, Golf Gear
I walk the PGA Show’s indoor driving range…
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Apparel, Golf Balls, Golf Clubs, Golf Equipment, Golf Gear
Continuing on with my head mounted GoPro HD video virtual tours from the show, here’s the PING booth. I also exit the back of the booth and walk over to their section of the show’s indoor driving range.