Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Apparel, Golf Balls, Golf Clubs, Golf Equipment, Golf Gear
Continuing on with my head mounted GoPro HD video virtual tours from the show, here’s the PING booth. I also exit the back of the booth and walk over to their section of the show’s indoor driving range.
Category: Golf, Golf Accessories, Golf Apparel, Golf Balls, Golf Clubs, Golf Equipment, Golf Gear
With bum shoulder, arm in sling and GoPro HD video camera mounted to my head I tour the Cleveland Golf / Srixon booth at this year’s PGA Show.
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Apparel, Golf Balls, Golf Clubs, Golf Equipment, Golf Gear, Golf Videos
With a separated shoulder at the PGA Show, there were many things I couldn’t do. Shooting pictures and video was difficult. But thanks to my new GoPro HD video camera, I was able to shoot some virtual tours of booths…
Category: Golf Apparel, Golf Videos
“Golf is an athletic sport. Why am I wearing dress shoes?” ~James Lepp, Kikkor Golf One of the biggest buzzes around this year’s PGA Show was Kikkor (pronounced like “kicker”) Golf Footwear. Everyone was talking about how cool their new…
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Apparel, Golf Balls, Golf Clubs, Golf Equipment, Golf Gear, Site News
Meet me at the PGA Show!