Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Apparel, Golf Balls, Golf Clubs, Golf Courses, Golf Equipment, Golf Fitness, Golf Instruction, Golf Media, Reviews, Site News, Travel
I’m packin’ my gear now (camera, laptop and a couple of golf shirts). I’ll be landing in Vegas in time for din-din tonight and then hitting the sack resting for the PGA Show Fall Expo. I’ll be live blog-casting from…
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Gear, Reviews
I’ve been pals with Frogger Golf for several years now. When Frogger releases a product you can be sure there will be nothing better on the market. Back in May of 2007 I reviewed the hands-down best golf brush on…
Category: Golf Accessories
Promoting the promotion company who in turn helps promote HOG – makes me dizzy I’d like you to check a company which I’m working with now who does promotional items (golf or other). They’re called Forte Promotions. I had them…
Category: Golf Accessories, Reviews
It is hard to do a 2000 word product review on sunscreen so I’m not going to attempt it. That being said, I’ve now put my several Bullfrog products to the test in multiple environments. Not only have I used…
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Apparel, Golf Balls, Golf Clubs, Golf Courses, Golf Equipment, Golf Fitness, Golf Instruction, Golf Media, Site News, Travel
I just booked my flights and hotel for the 2008 PGA Fall Expo in Las Vegas. I’ll do anything to eat lasagna at my favorite Italian restaurant, Batistas. The show has a demo day and tournament on Monday the 25th…