Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Equipment, Golf Videos
Dan from Sundog Eyewear tells us about some new technology and features of the Sundog sunglasses.
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Apparel, Golf Media, Golf Videos
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Apparel, Golf Equipment, Golf Videos
My new friend Alex has some very nice, high end golf shoes to show in this video.
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Clubs, Golf Equipment, Golf Videos
Here’s a cool feature I found in a Bag Boy golf bag. It prevents the clubs from shifting and/or making noise when walking.
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Apparel, Golf Balls, Golf Clubs, Golf Equipment, Golf Media
Wow am I tired. My knees are shot. My feet are shot. The blister on my foot I mentioned last night, burst tonight… ouch. Today was a very long and productively enjoyable day. I shot over 110 pictures of the…