Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Equipment, Golf Gear, Golf Videos, Site News
I’ve reviewed about 4,578,093 golf gadgets and I must say, not many can top this one. The Prazza golf ball radar unit is a system which comes with golf balls equipped with transmitters inside, which can be located by a…
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Gear, Reviews
Bugle Tee - click for more
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Gear, Reviews
Drive Tee - click to zoom
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Equipment, Golf Gear
Nike Vapor X Golf Bag - click to zoom
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Clubs, Golf Equipment, Golf Gear, Reviews
If you are familiar with the Tour Striker you’ll get the concept of the Pure Shot Driver, a training aid for hitting more shots on the sweet spot of the driver. Pure Shot Driver Concept The Pure Shot Driver has…