Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Equipment, Golf Gear, Reviews
Swing Caddie SC100 Golf Launch Monitor For several years launch monitor technology has been very expensive, and launch data only available to golfers willing to spend a fair amount of dough for monitor time or analysis.…
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Instruction, Instruction, Site News
Just arrived here at HOG world headquarters is the 2nd edition of Tom Watson’s instructional DVD, Lessons of a Lifetime. I’ll be reviewing the program soon and writing a full review so stay tuned. I will be skipping right to…
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Gear
My two favorite outdoor activities are golf and flying my remote control aerial vehicles. Both activities are greatly affected by the wind. I’m always looking out the window at the trees, evaluating how many club wind or what the flying…
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Gear, Reviews
This is a quick follow-up commentary on a previous golf accessory review. Back on May 29, 2014 I reviewed the Snap Hookz golf “accessory accessory.” This is a unit which attaches to the golf bag and provides more and better…
Category: Golf Accessories, Golf Gear, Site News
Is that a monkey in your wallet or are you happy to see me? I received an interesting product review submission a few days ago called a “Pocket Monkey,” by Zootility Tools. Not necessarily made as a golf accessory, the…