Check out my new ball, it goes 25 yards SHORTER?

Written by: Tony Korologos | Friday, April 15th, 2005
Categories: Golf BallsGolf EquipmentGolf MediaPGA Tour

“Ball go TOO far…ball go TOO far”

The USGA and the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews, Scotland, are going to be exploring golf balls that would be 15 and 25 yards short than current limits. Dick Rugge (USGA senior technical director) sent an email the ball manufactures requesting them to submit prototype balls that fit the shorter specs.

In the April 11th memo sent to ball manufacturers Rugge said, “We believe that it is now appropriate to give golf ball manufacturers an opportunity to participate in the research project and thereby become involved in the rule change process if that becomes necessary. We expect that testing balls made to conform to the reduced limits will enable an appropriate evaluation of how a reduced distance golf ball would affect playing of the game.”


Ping, DiMarco, Masters, The Drive-icus

Written by: Tony Korologos | Thursday, April 14th, 2005
Categories: Golf ClubsGolf EquipmentGolf MediaPGA Tour

I’m still coming down from my Masters high that I got last weekend. What a great tournament. What fun watching the underdog Chris DiMarco battling ETW. DiMarco vs Tiger, Ping vs Nike.

Ping’s web site is proudly touting the accomplishments of DiMarco as they should. But am I the only one who was amazed that Chris had to take his driver out of play because it was damaged?

“DiMarco put a new driver into play on the ninth tee after the head of the club he had been using came loose.” It is amazing to me that Chris DiMarco can swing hard enough to make his driver head come loose. I’d expect Tiger to do that, not DiMarco. Nike 1, Ping 0.

I’ve had the same problems with Ping woods myself. I used to own a TiSi Tech Titanium driver. I picked it up at right around $500. I loved this driver. It never went right. It was extremely long and I had a lot of confidence in it. I loved it so much that I picked up matching 3W and 5W for the set.

One day I hit a drive and heard a rattle. There was something loose inside the head. It was like a maraca. The funny thing my buddies and I noticed was that when I had a perfect tempo swing, the maraca didn’t make any noise. So this became a running joke. My driver was a maraca and a medicus. We called it the “drive-icus.”

Soon my 3W and 5W rattled. I didn’t want to send them back to Ping and wait because it was the heart of the tournament season. But one day my driver was very off. I’d take a good swing at the ball, and it would fly like I threw a corkscrew. It had no distance, and literally flew like a wounded goose.

I looked at the driver and the back weight was gone. That weight provided the center of gravity of the club. (Later models would soon have screws to hold the weight in).

I couldn’t get an immediate replacement for my TiSi and I had a tournament the next day of course. So I demoed some other drivers. I ended up with a Titleist 983k.

Ping’s engineering is awesome. I think overall they make the best putters in the world. But there are definitely some QC issues when it comes to their woods. Just ask Chris DiMarco.

Fake ProV1?

Written by: Tony Korologos | Wednesday, April 13th, 2005
Categories: Golf BallsGolf Equipment

Here’s that strange looking ProV1 I mentioned in this post. The first thing I noticed was how terrible the “prov1 392” is. Also that particular print is not on the seam where it’s supposed to be. The dimples look a little strange to me. Perhaps they are a little shallower?

I wonder if this is one of the aforementioned “counterfeit” balls. Or is this one of those refurbished ones that they fish out of the lake?

And then there were three

Written by: Tony Korologos | Tuesday, April 12th, 2005
Categories: Golf Media

I am definitely a fan of “The Big Break” series. It’s down to 3 ladies now. Tonight’s episode saw all but but Cindy “throwing up on themselves.”

I love that statement. That is what Chris DiMarco said about his back 9 in the 3rd round of The Masters.

Cindy has proven throughout the show that she has the guts to last. She’s the shortest knocker of the bunch, but has the best short game and the best control of her nerves.

Liz had to make a comeback 7 footer to stay tied with “blondie” Danielle. She made every putt she looked at, until that one. So Liz is gone. Adios.

And then there were 3.

My prediction at this point is for Cindy to win in a battle with Blondie in the finals.

Catch Me If You Can

Written by: Tony Korologos | Tuesday, April 12th, 2005
Categories: Golf BallsGolf EquipmentGolf MediaMiscellaneous

Could this ball be a fake?

Did you watch the movie Catch Me If You Can? In that movie which is based on a true story. A guy (Leonardo Dicaprio) fakes and forges his way into millions counterfeiting checks. He poses as an airline pilot and flies 2 million miles. He poses as a doctor etc…. He eventually got caught by an FBI agent (Tom Hanks).

Apparently Titleist has caught a large retailer that has been selling COUNTERFEIT PROV1 balls!

I think I have found one of these counterfeit balls. Last week at my local club I found a bin of used ProV1’s. Some were the old kind that you could “seam up” and hit them longer, and some newer. But there was one in there that looked “wrong.” The print was thicker, and the “< ProV1 >” lettering was not on the seam. I’m going golfing there today so I’m going to try to find that ball and post a pic of it here.

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