Visiball Review

Written by: Tony Korologos | Friday, May 13th, 2005
Categories: Golf AccessoriesGolf EquipmentReviews

The Visiball glasses are supposed to make you see golf balls you might not see with the naked eye. Do they work? Here’s a quick little review to find out.

The Science

The Visiball glasses are designed to reduce the the light reflecting off background objects and grass. Special pigments in the Visiball glasses cause white golf balls to emanate a “glow” effect, making the balls easier to spot.


This image above shows the regular and Visiball image fields. The area shown has 4 golf balls in it. In the image on the left you can’t see the golf balls. In the right side Visiball image you can see them.


Golf Books

Written by: Tony Korologos | Thursday, May 12th, 2005
Categories: Golf Media has an excellent book review section. Check it out.

In browsing I took his recommendation and purchased the book “The Plane Truth for Golfers” by Jim Hardy. While I was at it I picked up Harvey Penick’s Little Blue Book. I can’t wait to check them both out. My favorite golf book of all is Harvey Penick’s Little Red Book.

There are many golf world legends I would have loved to meet and Penick is one of them. My all time would be Bobby Jones.

They’d better go buy a lottery ticket

Written by: Tony Korologos | Thursday, May 12th, 2005
Categories: HackersMiscellaneous

Randy Massey AND his step mother Terry Massey both aced the eighth hole at the Painted Dunes Desert Course in El Paso Texas.

The odds of two players in a foursome acing the same hole are 17,000,000/1.

New golf blogs, golf blogs that are slacking

Written by: Tony Korologos | Wednesday, May 11th, 2005
Categories: MiscellaneousSite News

I’ve added a few new links to my golf blog roll lately. If you have a golf blog that I don’t have in my roll let me know.

–>Chicagoland Golfing (Not a blog, but a forum)
–>Saguaro Open is fairly new with a good edge to his posts.
–>Texas Golf is also new to me. Lets get them a new blogger template!
–>Sir Hacks A Lot (just found it through Texas golf!) They need a blogroll though.
–>Jay Flemma is now posting in his old blogspot address as well as Travel Golf.
–>Sir Shanks A Lot a robust golf blog with lots of info. No golf blogroll though.

OK, now I’m going to call out you golf bloggers who are slacking on your blogs right now. If you are a slacker you either haven’t been posting, you haven’t linked to other golf blogs in your posts and/or you don’t have a golf blogroll:

–>I love Musey, but where is she? No posts since April 14th?
–>Ambidextrigolf has no posts since July 2004.
–>My pal Jason at Carlsbad Confidential has been shut down by “the man.” Welcome to corporate America. They say they’ll open a “corporate blog” but isn’t that a bit of a contradiction? Jason, join us here!
–>No Three Putts has taken up running and isn’t golf blogging as much. No posts since April 29. Come on man, keep the faith.
–>The Golf Blog is the self proclaimed #1 golf blog. That may be true, but they have no golf blogroll. Nor do they link to other golf blogs. Shame shame. The world IS big enough for us all.
–>I took Fore Right off my roll because of no updates since the “I wanna be a tranny!” post on Feb 10th.

OK folks, kick it into gear!

Falcon Ridge just opened

Written by: Tony Korologos | Wednesday, May 11th, 2005
Categories: Golf Courses

Mesquite Nevada is turning into a golf mecca. Let me rephrase that. Mesquite Nevada IS a golf mecca. Mesquite is about an hour NE of Vegas on I15. Why someone would drop $200-300 on a round in Vegas when they can go to Mesquite or even St. George Utah to golf is beyond me.

Here are a couple of snaps of a new course that just opened there called Falcon Ridge that my dad snapped when he was there last week.

I had to make these two pics small so they don’t screw up the format of the blog here. If you want to see bigger versions of these pics and a bunch of other cool golf course pics (including Augusta National) CLICK HERE to go to the golf photo album on my other site: Web Country Club

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