My mental game needs some help

Written by: Tony Korologos | Thursday, June 9th, 2005
Categories: Golf InstructionHackers

I have a couple of quotes at the top of the blog. They’re both related to the mental side of golf. The mental aspects of golf are what make it the most amazing of all sports in my mind. No sport gets harder the better you get at it. No matter what the goal you reach in golf it is never good enough. Golf is a game that cannot be won, it can only be played.

No sport can bring you to your knees mentally and emotionally, and one shot later bring euphoria. Golf is like an emotional torture chamber.

I’ve achieved a fairly high level of golf for your average amateur. I’m capable of hitting great shots. I’m great at putting. I have great gear. I have the tools to play good golf and I do shoot in the low 70’s most of the time. As a 2 handicap that’s what I should do.


Snubbed again…

Written by: Tony Korologos | Thursday, June 9th, 2005
Categories: PGA TourTiger Woods

I just found the list of players who have qualified for the U.S. Open. Once again, my name is not on the list…

Here are the players who did make it and how:


Hi-Tec CDT Power Golf Shoes

Written by: Tony Korologos | Wednesday, June 8th, 2005
Categories: Golf AccessoriesGolf ApparelGolf EquipmentReviews

There are some companies that stand out above the rest in terms of innovation. Hi-Tec is one of those companies. Hi-Tec has been making sports shoes for over 30 years. That experience pays great dividends in Hi-Tec’s Golf Shoes.

cdtshoeSome golf companies make golf shoes by modifying dress shoes, without much thought going into design or functionality. Hi-Tec CDT Golf Shoes not only break that mold, they obliterate it.

The Technology:

Hi-Tec’s designers have obviously studied the footwork of the golf swing. They’ve built the shoes with reinforcement in all the crucial areas of the shoe.

The most obvious reinforcement I immediately spotted was the roll bar on the inside of the toe on each shoe. In the golf swing both feet roll. The roll bar protects the shoe from wear in the toe area. And it is rounded to allow for less resistance when you do roll. Why hasn’t any other golf shoe company thought of this?


Rest In Peace Bunker Mulligan

Written by: Tony Korologos | Monday, June 6th, 2005
Categories: Golf MediaMiscellaneousSite News

It is with great sorrow that I inform you of the passing of Bunker Mulligan aka Mike Reed. He died at his home in Texas June 3rd of a heart attack at the age of 52.

Bunker was one of the first golf bloggers and had a great blog. His blog Bunker Mulligan amazingly found a way to mix golf, politics and the military.

I am truly saddened by this great loss and wish the best for Mike’s family and friends.

May his memory be eternal.

Mike Reed (Bunker Mulligan)

New poll: US Open Playing Conditions

Written by: Tony Korologos | Sunday, June 5th, 2005
Categories: PGA TourSite News

The US Open is 10 days, 8 hours, 41 minutes, and 48 seconds from right now (according to the Hooked On Golf Blog countdown ticker!).

In preparation for the US Open the new poll addresses your opinion on the playing conditions. Last year there were complaints from PGA players that the conditions were too difficult.

Would you like to see them struggle, have to overcome much adversity and possibly see an over par score win? Would you like to see a shootout like the Bob Hope? Do you think even par should win it? Do you care?

I think it should be extremely difficult with even par or higher winning it.

Vote now (lower left column) and the polls will close when the US Open begins.

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