Check back June 16? It’s June 21 now….
A while back I posted that the US Open would be blogging this year. Here is the link to their blog.
I was pessimistic that they’d be able to put a decent “blog” together. My pessimism proved to be warranted.
I could call their blog a complete failure, but they would have to actually try blogging in order to fail at it. So this looks like they were just trying to jump on that old buzzword blog bandwagon I mentioned before.
OK USGA boys, next time you want to do a blog why don’t you hire me to do it? Hell, you don’t even have to “hire” me. Just bring me in next time, give me a hotel room, some grub and an 802.11b wireless network to latch onto and I’m good to go.
If not me perhaps any of the select golf bloggers that can be found in my golf blogroll like Bogeyman, Rich from EatGolf, Jay Flemma, Golf Blogger etc. They would all do a bang up job…
By the way, I like how they called it a “web blog.” Any bonehead knows that “blog” is short for “web log.” So they were actually doing a “web web log.”
iacas points out that they did blog and there was some interesting stuff there. So where is it? I wonder why blog and then get rid of it and put back the “check back soon” message.
BogeyMan pointed out there may have been TWO different URL locations…. But the other location only has info on the US Women’s Open now. Once again, why nuke the entries?
Here’s a 3rd url: Seems the entries are there so they didn’t nuke them after all. So a while back I find a link to the original blog locale, and they changed it. I bookmarked it, checked it regularly and nada. Just great. And they just left that locale and notice there (I bet they just completely forgot about it). They must have changed their mind about the locale while setting it up and neglected to put redirect or a link to the new one. Meanwhile I’m stuck there on the old one wondering where the entries are 🙁
OK credit where it is due, they DID “web web log.”
BogeyMan hits this point better than me, check it out.
I’ve recently added a “coming soon” page to the site. Pages within this site are not like normal blog posts. They are not related to time or post order. They are a constant. These pages are in the Internal Links category at the top left.
Coming soon will have what I’m working on. Currently I’m working on a few reviews: the new TaylorMade r5 TP driver and r7 TP fairway wood, the Ogio Grom golf bag, PeakVision sunglasses, the new Callaway HX Tour 56 ball and more. You can always click the coming soon link to see what the future holds here.
Of course tons of other golf nuggets will appear on a daily basis that won’t be on the coming soon page…
Instamarv has somehow found this link on ebay: where someone won the “privilege” to play with Tiger in a Buick Pro Am. Cost: $40,200 bones.
Something is a little fishy here though. First, the ebay user selling this item joined in June of 2005 and has zero feedback. Second, the funds need to be paid to via paypal and within 3 days of the auction close. Third, look at the photo they used. Tiger is hitting his old Titleist there. You’d think Buick and whoever handles Tiger’s promotional material would come up with a more recent picture wouldn’t you?
Perhaps this deal is legit and I’ve just missed it by skipping over it with my Tivo. I don’t pay attention to the ads much anyway so that is probably the case. At any rate I hope the poor sucker who is rich and dumb enough to pay $40,200 to play with Tiger actually gets the chance and doesn’t end up trying to track down some internet scam artist…
Michael Campbell wins the 2005 US Open
What I thought couldn’t happen did. Mr. Cool melted down. Goosen shot an 81 and dropped from having a 3 shot lead to a tie for 11th at +11. It was hard to watch. The network thought so too as they stopped showing the meltdown about halfway through the day’s round. Other meltdowns today included Olin Browne with an 80, Jason Gore with an 84.
The man of the day is Michael Campbell. Talk about steady… he shot 71, 69, 71, 69 under US Open conditions to win. That is awesome. What a gutty performance today. Tiger was making a serious charge and Campbell answered all the shots Tiger had. Tiger made some bad mistakes in the last few holes, including a uncharacteristic 3 putt to allow Campbell the victory.
So congrats to Michael Campbell. He’s been riding a roller coaster over his golf career and this will will change him forever.
I personally like seeing the winner at even par. That’s the way it is supposed to be. That is how I voted in the latest poll.
The Golf Channel (aka the Tiger Woods Channel) is covering the post game now. I’m watching all of this footage and commentary on Tiger. Tiger this and Tiger that. Dudes, WHO WON THE TOURNAMENT? Why not talk about Campbell a little tiny bit too?
The USGA got just about everything they wanted this year (Tiger didn’t win though). They had a tough course which provided an even par winning score. They had Tiger in the mix. And they didn’t have players whining and complaining about the course being too hard.
My golf blogging pal Jay Flemma is at the US Open representing us bloggers in a good way. He has interviewed the likes of Goosen, Jantzen, Funk and more.
I’ve got a tournament tomorrow at 8am. I’ve got some fun new gear I’ll be “testing” for this tourney. I happen to be in the midst of evaluating the new TaylorMade R7 TP Fairway Wood and the new TaylorMade R5 Dual TP Driver. I’ve been smashing those awesome sticks for a couple of weeks.
Tomorrow will be my first crack at using the new Callaway HX Tour 56 ball. This ball is a slightly shorter and softer ball than their HX Tour. This is the ball Phil Mickelson is currently using. Perhaps that isn’t a good thing given his current position in the US Open.
More to come.