Jay ends up at Golf Observer – Golf Observer observed

Written by: Tony Korologos | Friday, July 8th, 2005
Categories: Golf Media

Jay Flemma has announced his new location as a staff writer at Golf Observer. Though I haven’t frequented Golf Observer very often, that will apparently change now. 🙂 Best of luck Jay. I’ll be linking to your posts regularly as I always have!

My first impressions of GO is that it seems to be a decent golf site with one exception: Their forums are TERRIBLE! You’d think with all the sponsorships they apparently have from Titleist they’d put in a better forum system…

So dear Golf Observer. Please check out these golf forums as a better example of what a golf forum should look like.

1. Web Country Club. My forum (OK I’m a little biased here but go join the fun!).
2. removed.
3. Shot Talk.
4. Bogey Lounge Forum.
5. My Golf Domain.

There are a bunch of others out there…

Are you a hacker?

Written by: Tony Korologos | Thursday, July 7th, 2005
Categories: Hackers

The latest HOGB poll asks what handicap would you consider to be a “hacker.” Take a vote and let’s see who the hackers really are!

Introducing PRO TIPS!

Written by: Tony Korologos | Tuesday, July 5th, 2005
Categories: Golf InstructionHackersPro Tips

Byron UtleyI’d like to introduce a new feature here called “Pro Tips.”

I’ve gotten together with the assistant pro at my club Byron Utley (right) to bring you some quick instruction and game improvement drills. We’d like to do one pro tip per week, but busy schedules may not allow that to happen. We’ll do them as often as we can.

This week’s pro tip addresses swing path/plane in an effort to prevent “casting” and coming too far outside in on your swing. This tip will help prevent you from blocking, slicing or dead pulling. It will also help you hit a nice little draw.


Out of town for a few days…

Written by: Tony Korologos | Monday, July 4th, 2005
Categories: Site News

Speaking of leaving…

I’m taking the kiddies to here: Canyonlands
and to here: Arches National Park

I will no doubt have some absolutely amazing photos to show you but they won’t be related to golf…sorry.

I’m leaving early Tuesday and getting back Thursday.

I’ve got a very special post that is automated for release Tuesday morning. You will NOT want to miss it!

See you late Thursday.

Look who’s back! Look who left…

Written by: Tony Korologos | Monday, July 4th, 2005
Categories: Golf Media

This started out as a post about two blogs and it just got out of hand…

Look who is back!

It is with great pleasure that I’ve put Musey’s Hole In One back on my blogroll. Musey is one of the very few rare female golf bloggers out there. She was down for a while but now she’s back.

Look who left…

No Damn Three Putts last post was May 14th…

After only two months of golf blogging, John at Saguaro Open has canned it. I really liked John’s takes there. They had (golf) balls. He wasn’t afraid to call someone out for being a bonehead, or praising someone for the opposite.

I inquired the status of Saguaro and he said he’d basically lost interest and didn’t have the time to put together the quality level of posts he wanted.

He used the same direct fashion he blogged with to describe what happened:

” Saguaro Open has gone the way of a million blogs before it: nowhere.”

TravelGolf Blogs have been shooting themselves in the foot with their bickering about Jay Flemma. Perhaps they can refocus on golf travel and blogging soon…

Loved Bunker Mulligan and I’m very sorry about his passing… He’s the first golf blogger in heaven.

Still going strong:

The Reluctant Jamboy: you MUST check out Jam Boy.
The Sand Trap: Tons of content. TST is going to refocus on blogging and less on news reporting (no blogroll)
Bogey Lounge: awesome
EatGolf: awesome
Goeff Shackelford: some call him the best golf blogger out there. (no blogroll)
Jay Flemma: has some new stuff up his sleeve.
Golf Blogger: Rock solid. Lots of reviews and nuggets.
Robert Thompson: great golf blog and takes from up north…aye? What’s that all aboot?
The Golf Blog: The self proclaimed #1 golf blog. (no blogroll)

Yeah yeah I know some of you don’t want to do a blogroll and that’s fine… But the more links the better for all golf bloggers! Rather than thinking that the golf blog pie only has so many pieces to go around, lets just MAKE THE PIE BIGGER!

Ok enough already…. That got a little out of control. Please no whining if I didn’t mention you, or if you didn’t like my opinion. It IS just that….an opinion. That’s what blogging is all about eh?

Oh, If you’re a golf blog with recent activity and NOT in my blogroll then let me know so I can put your link up!

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