Azinger: “How do you prepare for a tournament?”
Daly: “Well I hit balls for maybe 20 minutes, putt a little bit, smoke 4 or 5 cigarettes, drink 3 diet cokes and go to the first tee. Some days I won’t even go to the range.”
Clearly I’ve been doing it wrong all these years…
I have a sad feeling after checking in over at MJ on Golf. MJ has been reflecting on the status of his golf blog for a while. He has decided to put an end to MJ on Golf and shut it down shortly.
There is a ton of great content within MJ’s archives. I’d suggest getting over there asap to get what you can before it is gone.
MJ has also been the source of some great stats for many golf sites (including both of mine). MJ’s stats have been a valuable “module” I’ve included on my pages.
Thanks to MJ, and best of luck in your next digs. Stop by here any time if you want to blog a little.
Nike and Bausch & Lomb are making “Sport-Tinted” contact lenses. These lenses come in different tint configurations to enhance certain wavelengths of light. The lenses will visually enhance key elements in sport, such as a ball or terrain.
There are two lens colors available: amber and grey-green.
Amber lenses are for fast moving ball sports such as baseball or soccer. Grey-green lenses are ideal for sports like golf which are played in bright sunlight where glare is a concern.
How do they work?
“The patented Light Architecture selectively filters specific wavelengths of light to visually enhance key elements in sport, such as a ball, filtering most of the blue light and manipulating the remaining colors of the visible spectrum to enhance critical details in the sporting environment. These features of the Nike MAXSIGHT lens combine to provide visual benefits to athletes such as an exceptional view of contours on a given field of play, reduced sun glare and the ability to track fast-moving game activity under variable light conditions.”
More info on the Bausch & Lomb site.
Grouchy Golf has reported that Michelle Wie will be turning pro on her birthday, October 11th. Hey, that’s two days after my birthday (you still have time to find me a golf present, shipping info is listed under the reviews link above left).
Michelle will be a 16 year old gazzilionare thanks to Nike. To be exact, she’ll get 10-12 mmmmmillion. While her friends will be flipping burgers and McD’s and trying to get their driver’s license, she’ll be riding in her limo to the bank.
Nike… hmm.
Ok, as I’ve posted before my boy and I jump onto the 17th hole here and go ball searching every few days. We’ve found hundreds of balls. Yesterday we got our biggest load yet but we have yet to even count them. I’m betting in the 150-200 range.
The course here is very swampy. There are lots of areas with reeds and water on the sides of the holes. Many of the balls are either in/on very moist soil or submerged in water.
So the question is about whether these balls’ performance is hindered by the water. Do they soak in water or are they waterproof? I imagine the old balata balls weren’t waterproof.